Philosophy Statement
Central Wisconsin Christian Schools is operated by parents and fellow Christians who desire to provide a God-centered education based on the Bible as God’s inspired revelation, and to teach according to the principles of the Reformed heritage. These principles include the following beliefs:
God: We believe in the existence of God as a personal spiritual being who exists in three equal but distinct persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
The Bible: We believe that God, by His Holy Inspired and Infallible Word, reveals Himself; renews human beings’ understanding of God, of themselves, of others, and of the world; directs human beings in all their relationships and activities; and therefore guides His people also in the education of their children.
Creation/Kingdom: We believe that God created this vast universe by the power of His Word, and that consequently all things are of God, through God, and unto God. We believe that in their education, children must come to learn that the world and human beings’ calling in it can rightly be understood only in relation to the Triune God who, by His creation, restoration and governance, directs all things to the coming of His Kingdom and the glorification of His name.
Sovereignty: We believe that God is sovereign over all his creation, including humankind. The Bible reveals God as the Creator, and His will as the cause of all things. He upholds all creatures with His almighty power, and determines the ends which they are destined to serve. All creatures are subservient to Him and dependent on Him.
Sin: We believe that man has fallen into sin, and is in need of the salvation which God in grace has provided in Jesus Christ. We believe that because human sin brought upon all people the curse of God-alienating them from their Creator, their neighbors, and the world, distorting their view of the true meaning and purpose of life, and misdirecting human culture-human sin also corrupts the education of children.
Jesus Christ: We believe that the Kingship of Christ applies to all areas of life, consequently, man is called to serve Him all that he undertakes. We believe that through our Savior Jesus Christ there is renewal of our educational enterprise because He is the Redeemer of, and the Light and the Way for, our human life in all its range and variety. Only through Him and the work of His Spirit are we guided in the truth and recommitted to our original calling.
Schools: We believe that the purpose of the Christian school is to educate children for a life of obedience to their calling in this world as image bearers of God; that this calling is to know Jesus as one’s personal Savior, and to know God’s Word and His creation, to consecrate the whole of human life to God, to love all people and to be stewards of their God-given cultural tasks.
Parents: We believe that the primary responsibility for education rests upon parents to whom children are entrusted to by God, and that Christian parents should accept this obligation in view of the covenantal relationship which God established with believers and their children. If parents seek to utilize school associations they should seek out schools that engage the services of Christian teachers in Christian schools.
Teachers: We believe that Christian teachers in obedience to God, in accordance with Reformed principles and in cooperation with parents, have a unique responsibility while educating children in school.
Pupils: We believe that Christian schools must take into account the variety of abilities, needs, and responsibilities of young persons; that the endowments and calling of young persons as God’s image bearers, and their defects and inadequacies as sinners, require that such learning goals and such curriculum will be selected as will best prepare them to live as obedient Christians; and that only with constant attention to such concerns will education be truly Christian.
Community: We believe that because God’s covenant embraces not only parents and their children but also the entire Christian community to which they belong, and because Christian education contributes directly to the advancement of God’s Kingdom, it is the obligation not only of parents but of the entire Christian community to establish and maintain Christian schools, to pray for them, work for them, and give generously to their support.
The educational program at CWC is designed to help give students a Christian worldview and to prepare them to serve God. It aims to interpret all aspects of life through the truth of the Scripture. It not only seeks to lead students into a proper relationship with God, but also aims to equip them academically to serve God and others competently with the talents God has given them. Such goals demand that all courses be taught from God-centered perspective and meet high quality educational standards. This requires that faculty members be Christians, committed to biblically compatible instruction and high quality scholarship in order that the students may develop godly lifestyles and attitudes and adequate skills with which they can fulfill their Christian calling.
CWC welcomes students from all Christian traditions. Their input in student activities will serve to broaden the student body’s understanding of Christ’s church and the diversity within it.