CWC Board
Central Wisconsin Christian is governed by a 12-member Board that is elected to three-year terms by the supporting constituency at the annual meeting in April. Our Board members are parents and supporters of our mission of Christ-centered education. The Board holds its meetings on the third Monday of each month. Standing committees of the Board are the Executive, Education, Finance, Advancement, Transportation, and Athletic Committees, many of which include representatives of parents, staff, and Board working together to continually help CWC be a great school.

Keith and Renee Buist live in Randolph, where he serves as the pastor of Second Christian Reformed Church. Their daughter Maria (’22) currently attends Calvin University, while Caleb ('24) and Josie (11th) currently attend CWC. Keith grew up in Cutlerville, Michigan, and graduated from South Christian HS, Trinity Christian College, and Calvin Theological Seminary. The Buist’s lived in Canada for six years before coming to Randolph in 2014. Renee grow up in Sheboygan and attended Sheboygan Christian. Keith has served as president of the Randolph Christian Parents Association and as a youth leader along with his numerous duties as a pastor.
“Strong and healthy institutions are important for building strong and healthy people and communities, which in turn are important for passing on our faith and what we hold dear as followers of Christ. While some may see Board work as not all that exciting, it is very important. I’ve seen lots of ways teachers have rubbed off on our children as they have become more curious, more confident, and more well-rounded, growing in maturity as people and as followers of Jesus. Two words capture the heart of Christian education: covenant and kingdom. Covenant: COVENANT: By grace God embraces us in Jesus Christ. I believe God's called our family to be a part of His family. I have a responsibility to raise my kids in a way that fits their identity and calling. KINGDOM: I believe God's calling is a full-life calling. I don't just send my kids to Sunday School to learn the Bible; I also send them to good quality schools to develop ALL of their God-given potential. I want to see them excited about God's work in all areas of life and able to join in...building the Kingdom on earth as it is in heaven.”

Kevin (‘03) and Anderea (‘03) live in Waupun, where he is an equipment operator at Sam’s Well Drilling. Their 4 children Kolten (9th), Morgan (7th), Kase (5th) and Harper (1st) all attend CWC. Kevin grew up in Waupun and they currently attend First CRC in Waupun. Kevin has enjoyed teaching catechism and Cadets. He has also served as deacon and elder at First CRC. He is currently on the CWC Auction Leadership, which he has served on several times.
“I would enjoy answering the call to help CWC in whatever path the Lord leads. I appreciate how the CWC community serves individually with the gifts God has blessed them with for the greater good of the school. We have amazing teaching and support staff, volunteers at Bargain's Galore Thrift Store, prayer warriors and generous donors. There are so many people giving towards the same goal of raising the next generation to love and serve the Lord. As a graduate I have taken many of the things I learned attending CWC into my daily life. As a parent I've seen the impact that having a Christ centered education can have on raising future kingdom servants. The close knit community my family has found at CWC has been instrumental throughout my entire life. ”

Tina and Tim live in Ripon with their daughter Makayla (9th). The Goughs are active members of River Shores Church in Berlin. Tina is a Senior Financial Analyst for Alliance Laundry Systems and serves as Speed Queen Finance Brand Manager over North America. Tina is a Sunday school teacher, women’s bible study leader, and was previously a member of both the Rotary Club and Zonta Club of Kankakee.
“I’m looking forward to being part of the decision making process, while expanding CWC and making choices for the school that grow God's kingdom and glorify him. I appreciate that the CWC staff is unified in making it a top priority to prepare students to serve God and his kingdom. God has called us to train our children up in the way that they should go, and when they are old they will not depart from it. CWC provides a Christian education in an environment that is edifying, planting the seeds in our children along with watering so God can give the increase. It is a foundation that I desire for my children knowing that God's word never returns void and will be fruitful. That is his promise to his people.”

Luke (‘01) and his wife Becca (‘02) live in Beaver am with their children Linnea (9th), Olivia (7th) and Cooper (5th). The Lentschers are members of Edgewood Community Church in Beaver Dam. Luke was born and raised in Beaver Dam, and graduated from CWC in 2001. He is currently a Physician Assistant with SSM Health. This will be Luke’s second term with the CWC board and he has also served as deacon at their previous church.
“I look forward to the opportunity to help CWC continue to create an enriching Christ-centered environment for students, parents, teachers, and staff. I appreciate that CWC is a place where my children can develop and grow in a Christ-centered learning environment with committed teachers and staff. Christian education is important to our family because it teaches our kids through the lens of Christ and how we can serve God in his Kingdom. ”

Brad Mulder (’93) and his wife Lynn moved “back home” to Waupun two years ago. Their son, Owen, is a 2024 graduate and their daughter is in college. Brad works for Excel Engineering in Fond du Lac as an Application Developer. While living Illinois for the past two decades he served terms as an elder and a deacon at Palos Heights CRC, and her currently serves their current church – Waupun First CRC – on their Technology Committee.
“It is an opportunity to continue the work of all board members that have served the school for the last 75 years, and to make and work with friends. I appreciate that it is a Christ centered learning environment that also prepares kids spiritually and socially to be ready to serve. I enjoy the community of students, parents and staff. CWC has touched many lives over the last 75 years. When education is focused through the lens of scripture, students are even more prepared to be effective and loving servants of Christ. It also reinforces what we teach in our home.”

Jeff (’02) grew up in Waupun. He and his wife, Jen (‘02), have three children - Avery (10th), Owen (9th), and Emme (5th). Jeff works for W&D Navis as their Natural Stone Manager, and has served as the CWC Building and Grounds Committee Chair for three years. Jeff has also been on multiple building project committees and was a member of the board from 2015-2018. Jeff and Jen are active at Edgewood Church in Waupun.
“Being a CWC graduate and now having kids in the school, I look forward to once again being involved in the guidance and vision of the school as it moves forward and continues to grow. These are exciting times for our school community and I am glad to be a part of it.
I appreciate that we can send our kids to school everyday knowing that they will be loved and cared for in a Christ-like manner, and gain the knowledge needed through a Biblical perspective of the world. Christian education has always been an important part of our family. As our kids grow, we continue to see the lasting impression that integrated biblical teaching has on them. I believe that giving children a solid foundation to grow on will benefit them for an eternity.”

Steve and Kim live on an acreage outside of Waupun. Steve is a grain farmer, owning and operating 900 area acres.. Steve has been an active CWC supporter, serving on the board a number of times while holding the Clerk, Vice President, and President positions. Outside of CWC, Steve has served as an elder and deacon, has been part of the Reformed Church Classis, and Foundation for Christian Education. He is currently on the Board of Directors for Ergo Bank. The Perrys attend First Reformed Waupun.
“I would like to give back some of my experience to a school that has been such a blessing to my children and grandchildren. I appreciate the fact that Christ is the center of all that is taught here. It is so important to have staff that loves the Lord and models that to the children. Our purpose in life is to honor God. Now as a parent and grandparent I have been blessed to see the fruits of Christian education in my kids and grandkids. CWC supports the home, developing daily how to live a Christ-centered life in this world, while getting a great education. Here they learn how to give back. Upperclassmen model life to younger kids.
The CWC staff are an amazing group, as they work together to ensure Christ is glorified in every classroom. CWC has an evermore important role in today's world to stay true to God's word and be available to those who seek it. It is an honor to be considered to serve CWC again.“

Rob Servais and his wife Natalie live in Waupun, Rob was born and raised in Howard, WI and graduated from Bay Port High School in 1997. They have 4 daughters, Jocelyn is a 2024 graduate, Rylee is an eighth grader, Harper is a sixth grader, and Brynlee is a fourth grader. Rob works for Lakeside Packaging Plus as the CEO. They attend Edgewood Community Church where he has led Bible studies and men’s groups.
“My opportunity to serve on the board will be wonderful learning the successes, challenges, and opportunities to grow as a school. Especially with the Head of School transition, I think this time of our journey will really be key for the CWC board and leadership to unite. I love the mission of CWC. I love that my kids are fired up about singing a praise song or memorizing a scripture when they get home. The need for Christian education has never been greater. It's important to me because I trust our leaders and teachers to shepherd my kids in becoming Christ-centered young adults.”

John grew up in Oconomowoc until his middle school years when he moved to Juneau where he graduated from Dodgeland in 2001. He and his wife, Bethany, live near Friesland along with their children Liam (11th), Camden (7th) and Avarie (6th). John is a Waupun Area Cadets counselor, a board member for the Beaverland Must-skis Waterski Show Team, and is a member of the Transportation Committee, Auction Leadership Team, and Diamond Legacy Team.
“I'm looking forward to learning about CWC on a deeper level, and having a meaningful impact on CWC's history. I very much appreciate the Christ-centered learning here. I'm happy that all students from 3K-12th are in the same building, interacting and learning together, and that everyone here feels like family.
We chose CWC because everything taught here lines up with the values we're trying to instill in our children at home. We know that when they're at school, they're not only receiving an excellent education, they're also developing moral and spiritual character.”

Julie and Ben (‘95) Westra live in Beaver Dam, and currently have two kids attending CWC – Jack ('24), Kate (10th), and George (4th). Julie was born and raised in the Chicago suburbs, graduating from Timothy Christian High School in 1993. She then graduated from Trinity
Christian College and is the current General Manager of the Westra household. The Westras are attending Edgewood
Community Church. Julie has served on the leadership team for Heart & Home Bible Study at Harvest EFC and also serves at Bargains Galore as a volunteer.
“I am so proud of how CWC has stayed true to its Reformed, Gospel-based foundation especially these last few years through unprecedented changes and circumstances. I look forward to maintaining this vision as CWC grows and strives to improve. I love CWC's Christ-centered staff, not just the teachers but also the coaches, food service, bus drivers, aides, office staff, etc... As a parent, we get the opportunity to see the fingerprints of the teachers and staff on our kids. It is such a blessing to have teachers and staff who are reinforcing the same messages and vision we are trying to instill at home. Also, it is such a comfort to know that the staff see my child as a Child of God and not just another number. Our kids spend 7 hours a day, 5 days a week at school during the most influential years of their lives, we don't want to spend our evenings undoing what they have 'learned' at school. It is important to us that our kids learn that God is present in EVERY aspect of life. He is not limited to Sundays, church or religion class. Education at CWC is not just facts and figures through a Christian worldview, it is how to problem solve, it is how to cultivate a personal relationship with Jesus and it is how to live in this world differently because Christ died for our sins. Our kids have come home from school praying differently, more conversational and personal; asking if they can accept Christ in their hearts; and reading their devotions and Bible on their own, unprompted from us.”