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/Where Christ is Central
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CWC Board

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CWC Board

Central Wisconsin Christian is governed by a 12-member Board that is elected to three-year terms by the supporting constituency at the annual meeting in April.  Our Board members are parents and supporters of our mission of Christ-centered education.  The Board holds its meetings on the third Monday of each month.  Standing committees of the Board are the Executive, Education, Finance, Advancement, Transportation, and Athletic Committees, many of which include representatives of parents, staff, and Board working together to continually help CWC be a great school.

  • Profile Photo

    Keith Buist

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    Kevin Buwalda

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    Tina Gough

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    Luke Lentscher

    Vice President
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    Brad Mulder ('93)

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    Jeff Navis ('02)

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    Steve Perry

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    Rob Servais

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    John Wellach

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    Julie Westra